My practice is deeply engrained within fictional worlds, attempting to find the limitations of perceiving fiction within the constraints of reality. Inspired by text or other works of fiction, I create these worlds by writing my own stories that manifest in visual art. My work attempts to use fiction to distort perceptions of real spaces, so that the boundaries between fiction and reality become dissolved and uncertain. My methods are heavily process based, by creating installations and sets, however this year my focus has developed into applying these strategies to video art. My exploration into this medium has been in effort to distort the reality of the environments I film. Building sets, maquettes, and animated renders in my videos explore the constructional elements of fiction, presenting these spaces as transitional, merging within one another so there is no dominating reality. By building these constructions, materiality and texture becomes a focus, as it is the closest tangible element to a space when presenting within the video format. My project this year has been to make several video works that narrate the multiplicity of reality, and the constant reinterpretation of what can be perceived to be ‘real’. All these videos can be seen on my website ( as well as my Vimeo page.

Stories have the ability to isolate and create a personal reality that can be separated from society’s constructed narrative. These narratives are directed at vacant spaces, sets, and virtual environments, that blend and intermingle, displaying no dominant or hierarchical presence.

Group Works