My multidisciplinary approach is expressed through being a founder of The X Collab. The platform which is created for the purpose of multidisciplinary collaborations has enabled me to further my professional understanding of the contemporary art and design scene whilst actively managing the project alongside two of my close friends. Through The X Collab, I have been able to investigate a question that often arises in my practice: where does art meet design?

This series of work is directly linked to my interest in graphic design and typography. The investigation highlights deconstructing and reconstructing forms, digitally and physically until a new narrative is formed. Here’s an extract from my research: “The initial idea was to find the most seen letter A on google but there was a difficulty with that as the figures couldn’t be easily found. I wanted to find the image that featured the letter A which was the most seen. At the time of screenshotting this post, it had 15,988,045 likes. The reported figure of Instagram users in 2020 is 854 million globally. The figures are likely to increase over time, but these figures show that approximately 1 in 53 people that use Instagram has liked this post. Therefore, there will be many millions more that have seen the post and continued scrolling without the ‘like’ acknowledgement. To put the ‘likers’ into context, it is almost the same amount as the populations of London and New York combined.”

My investigative approach allows me to work with digital and physical compositions, moving image and installation art. The theme of my work is based on an ongoing investigation between the relationship of physical and digital space and us in relation to it. The drive of my investigations stem from our growing exposure to being part of the digital and the influence it has on our physical life. Perception is key to engaging with spaces and the viewer.

I am seeking ways of discussing our position in relation to the spaces around us by exploring structures and boundaries regardless whether they are physical, digital or social. The modern way of living and possibility of mass production means we have become familiar with globalisation and accepting of order.

Group Works