My video work seeks to explore my diasporic experience and the notion of home. Drawing upon my memory, I am interested in visualising the process of how these memories intersect with thoughts and feelings towards my relationship to home, the landscape and the wider natural environment. I reflect on these wider themes and translate them into writing and experimental poetry which then acts as a voiceover for the short videos I create, which help envisage these considerations. The voiceover attempts to cross time and place to create associations between cultural, personal and environmental moments creating and questioning meaning through my utterances and identifying both connection and distortion through past and present. The imagery I use to illustrate my writings consist of a variety of miscellaneous motifs, ranging from culturally specific material, light, landscape and the natural world. It is in the process of combining both writing and video, that I try to communicate the boundary of the video as a membrane, where each narrative takes us on a different direction as if to create space between what we see and what we listen, transporting to another imaginary dimension that embodies and transcends thought, experience and being.

My multidisciplinary approach allows me to create imaginary dimensions that explore and transcend the associations between cultural, environmental and personal moments. Working with video, writing and up-cycling material I am able to question the notions of diasporic experience, home, inheritance and its futurisms.

Group Works