I am a german-born, Ethiopian and recent media communication graduate from Kingston University London.

The Critical Gaze is a space for me to review and comment on books, any other kind of media and all things pop culture. Since I enjoy having a conversation about all the stories I like to consume and contextualise them in the wider cultural and political context because the media we consume matters.

I was a guest at an episode of the  World Wide Women Podcast by Sabrina Juul. The World Wide Woman Podcast was born from the World Wide Wonders Instagram series. The Instagram series was interactive and community-focused that showcased and celebrated creatives who are either a part of an indigenous community/western minority group or underrepresented culture.

World Wide Women then emphasised women-lead creativity. The episode was called #StayWoke and we discussed the Chidera Eggerue (aka Slumflower) vs. Florence Given controversy. Who was in the wrong? How do social media activism and WOKE capitalism portray themselves? Is digestible feminism a threat to all things equality