Capstone Project

The context of capstone project is consisted by three concept ideas, bandage, orthotic brace and net shape.

The first and second concept came from my own my fracture experience. I combined the elements of medical treatment of fractures with garment. I read some books and video tutorials about make sling.People can apply bandages or tape to treat fracture and injury for different part of body. I extracted some structures from bandage treatment. And then I used these structures on different part of body, such as hand, leg and shoulder. These structures and silhouettes also can use on sleeve, trouser with different fabrics of colors and textures. I used these structures on different part of body to develop my idea.

The third concept is net shape, which came from sea women-haenyeo. Haenyeo is an occupation starting from 1910 in Jeju (South Korea). I was interested their cultures. They mainly respond for sea harvesting. They take some tools to harvest seafoods, such as, Kakuri, Taewak Net and Small fish spear. I extracted their net tool to develop textiles in this project.