The theme of modern nature and history of the English landscape was ever-present.
Wildlife Park collaboration was key for the project, being able to incorporate their intentions and vision for the site into the scheme solidified it in the site. The previous landfill site which occupied a large part of Mucking has a chance now to recover and thrive. Deriving a scheme that can amplify the qualities that are so specific to the location.

The typology developed for this program is to open the user to the outdoors in every meaning of the phrase. The design will host educational facilities, a flower-based garden centre, a drought-resistant garden, and allotment plots. When designing, the mission statements from Thameside Wildlife Trust were adopted and incorporated into design features like the addition of native species and drought-resistant healing plants. Limiting my impact to the surrounding landscape and habitats and design a scheme that could enrich the area with people and wildlife are core to the project.


Group Works