Sustainable eating practices can require an increment in the skills, time, research, and foodwork inside our households. Considering that women are still mostly in charge of domestic foodwork in London, can we facilitate sustainable eating practices without increasing the existing gender gap?

Balance promotes sustainable eating and equally distributing foodwork among young couples by helping them find out what sustainable eating means to them, how they can reduce their environmental and social impact, and how better distribute the related responsibilities among them. How? Facilitating monthly workshops and providing support at home through a specially designed app. Balance intends to raise awareness about the implications, values and gender roles promoted by how and what we cook to build together a better place, fairer with nature and between us.

This project offers a feminist approach to a widespread and crucial concern: the impact of our eating behaviours. By questioning people’s participation and engagement with a gender basis, the project promotes and facilitates sustainable eating practices in London while decreasing the potential social impact that they can have.