Slow Minds endeavours to record the inarticulable, by recording interviews on a thermal imaging camera; the audience is able to physically visualise and explore emotions through heat and changing coloured hues. By physically visualising emotions that you cannot see with the naked eye, allow this series to open up and navigate a conversation around the ‘unseen’. This series of visual conversations will promote and validate, that although Mental Health cannot be (tangibly) seen, it most certainly doesn’t defer it from being real. Slow Minds aims to, however briefly, open up a reflective space between interviewees and myself to trigger and visually display a wider conversation with the public and exhibit the outcomes in a gallery space; which is accessible to all.

Voice Your Mark is a campaign that centres around the voices of social housing tenants. The campaign has been derived, created, assembled and rendered from a vast influx of formidable voices of whom are all apart of social housing communities. Understanding the fabric of social housing neighbourhoods and communities only comes from within, therefore this campaign could not be narrated by anyone other than those living in social homes and experiencing the problems first-hand.

A new paradigm is taking place; challenging the now to create the new – driven & led by creative sustainable values; I craft, spatially memorable design solutions, underpinned by strategic thinking & creativity.