Hi! I’m Iqra, a designer with an interest in editorial & brand design. My multilingualism introduces me to the complexities of different worlds – the warmth I feel understanding my first two languages (Urdu & English) is what I hope to awaken in others. Therefore, I aspire to display the correlation between my own ideas & the media I work with to navigate my emotions, appreciation for languages and personal life experiences – this stems from my diverse cultural background being raised as a British Pakistani.

Reimagining Nostalgia A-Z

A book containing words starting from A to Z with each word connected by thoughts. While reminiscing my four years in university, I came to a realisation that I spent most of my time in a library. It always brought me immense comfort. A place to hide, explore, and grow. Through reimagining and describing some of the emotions or feelings I felt, I have put together a collection of my thoughts.

Zindagi Chalti Hai

A mini video project that I drew, designed and narrated which then became a part of a bigger project. It means ‘As Life Goes On’. It’s about my roots. Where I am from and how I’ve grown up to speak 5 languages. In this video, I spoke in one of my mother tongues called ‘Urdu’ while I used my other mother tongue ‘English’ for its translation.

New Era

A lookbook designed with a twist. It’s about new fashion. This publication covers the latest fashion trends inspired by Korean fashion and BTS. Provided with interviews, outfits created by their fans & what their outlook on K-fashion is.

I aim to support the idea of utilising design to promote intercultural awareness as a form of communication and normalise understanding amongst diverse cultures. Ultimately, I was compelled by the Sher below as it epitomises my style of work, not only in Graphic Design but day to day life. This helps us recognise despite striving for perfection we as humans need to acknowledge not every goal will always be easily accomplished.


بسکہ دشوار ہے ہر کام کا آساں ہونا”


“آدمی کو بھی میسر نہیں انساں ہونا


(Tis difficult that every goal be easily complete.
For a man, too, to be human, is no easy feat)
-Mirza Ghalib