Hi, I’m Harry Hainstock, a graphic designer & artist whose interests lie in art direction and conceptual design. I love creating imaginative worlds and unique visual identities that create intrigue in the viewer.  This year, I have focussed on my position of art direction by getting involved with music artists, collaborating and exploring means of telling their narrative via visual design. Outside of University, I create digital artworks under the alias “Blxckovt”, please refer to my portfolio / Instagram to see more.

01 – The Human Atmosphere – Photography, Image

I sought to interpret how aura readers perceive auras, based upon their real accounts of what they can see.  I wanted the images to speak for themselves and feel spiritual in nature by appearing mystical and oddly intriguing.

02 – Seventh Heaven – Art Direction

I worked with avant-garde and alternative pop artist Senses. I developed the art direction for their album Seventh Heaven, consisting of the album cover and five animations to coincide with five tracks off the record. These animations can be viewed on Spotify, where they represent the lyrical narrative of the respective tracks.

03 – Politics of Graphic Design – Ethics, Social, Campaign

A set of posters informed by research into the design of social media, which use reward systems to exploit human psychology by essentially creating addictions, which in turn has led to a rise in depression and anxiety in young people. The posters aim to highlight that it is designers who make these choices, and they should be aware of these impacts.

Imagination precedes reality