Hi! I’m Flora, a socially driven designer, looking for fun, interactive and educational ways to problem solve. I am detail orientated, leading me to focus on the branding of projects. Here are a few of the projects I’ve enjoyed working on this year!


Co-plant is a piece of service design that not only has short term goals to improve living standards for those in flats during the Covid-19 pandemic, but also has the ability to benefit the planet in the long-term through its sustainable functionalities including the education of coexistence and recycled materials. This will be achieved through the injection of green into underutilised balcony spaces with our easy to build, balcony friendly gardening components including herb gardens, insect hotels and compost spaces.


With online education becoming the new normal in 2020, students commonly found themselves in awkward, unproductive waiting times before a Teams meeting begins. ‘playce’ our digital play space has been created in order to fill that unengaging wait time before a lesson or meeting begins on Microsoft Teams by collaboratively create a piece of work together in times where working together is more challenging. It also doubles up as a registration function for the host, allowing them to assess when enough students are engaged and ready to start the lesson.

With 300m tonnes of CO2 being created by internet use alone, the computer heavy world of graphic design must do their bit to reduce their carbon footprint.

Switch Off is a project created to encourage graphic designers to turn their computers off over their lunch hour and make a communal lunch with the help of the Switch Off meal cards. In 10 years, one studio can save a football pitch’s worth of Arctic Ice, imagine what the whole of London could achieve!

Visit my website to explore more projects!