Many of us know that the current fast fashion system isn’t great for our planet, for us, or for the workers within it. To most of us though, it’s an overwhelming task to figure out how to go about changing it and to figure out what we as individuals can do ourselves. Dread to Dreams is an independent zine publication and social media platform that aims to present not only the issues we currently face in our fashion system—the dreads—but also the visions—the dreams—for how this system and way of wearing clothes could be better. It covers topics from the farming of our clothing materials to our consumption behavior and more.

The hope of the zine is to inspire people to think, dream, and then do. Based on the idea that there’s no one voice or one solution that will make it all better, it encourages all voices to be heard and even small actions to be celebrated, because to make change we need all of us and many ideas. Future issues of Dread to Dreams will be a collaborative publication grown through our community of dreamers, who can be joined through the Instagram account—where the dreams of community members will be shared, zines will be made, and change will begin. 

Dread to Dreams is an independent zine publication and social media platform that aims to present not only the issues we currently face in our fashion systemthe dreads but also the visionsthe dreamsfor how this system and way of wearing clothes could be better.