Innovative solutions and meaningful interactions are the main things I strive for within my work. No matter the medium, or the topic, there is always a way to think outside the box and create work that does more than the brief requires. I am especially passionate about social issues, as I feel that design can have such an impact when fighting inequality, raising awareness, and generating support. There are no limits to the ways design can be used, and I keep this mentality with each project I work on.

I am an extremely practical worker and have really learnt how this can give projects a stylistic flair that only comes from phsycial experiments. Even if it’s a digital-heavy project, there are ways to make it more than that, and I am constantly learning new ways to do this. I have taught myself new skills as and when needed, such as bookbinding, different printing techniques, clothing alterations, different digital platforms etc. Whilst editorial design and book design has a special place in my heart, I love working with a variety of mediums, and often take time figuring out which mediums are most appropriate for the topic.

Please feel free to get in touch for a full portfolio, or see my personal website. My Vimeo channel contains animations and videos that I have completed.

I am an editorial and publishing designer at heart, with a passion for social issues and utilising design to create meaningful and impactful interactions.