Currently, I am working digitally whilst still using the same everyday mundane objects as I would in my physical work, exploring and taking away these objects’ original functional use. Now I’m turning the physical 3D collages using the objects around me, into their own digitally created versions. Throughout my work, as you can see, I use a range of mainly primary colours and I always have a particular colour palette along with composition all engrained with nods to consumerism, time, play, and objects. Items used in my work are commonly mass-produced items that are in nearly every household, through the process of workings the result is essentially reinventing the objects’ purpose and functionality. These collages, consisting of different mediums, always start with observational drawings of my surroundings showing the variety of mundane objects around me. Exploring this digital medium has been interesting, to further manipulate and distort the images of the objects in ways I wouldn’t have been able to do in physical work, further taking away the functionality rendering them un-functional, this can also be seen throughout my video work.

All videos and works can be found on my Vimeo and website.

Group Works