The film “(-) BOOM (+)” displayed many aspects of our existence that are usually not mentioned much. It focuses on spirituality and an alternate world, which is entered by the protagonist named Grover Grom. The story dives into the idea that astral and physical worlds exist at the same time at the same place. They are connected, causing the occurrences of one dimension to affect the other one, like the Butterfly Effect. It also explores topics such as the transcendental state of mind, contemplation, and inner freedom. The film was inspired by a piece of poetry written by Aren Mkhoyan.

Poetry “(-) BOOM (+)” :

Melancholy came to yellow fields.

Redhead boy went on a hunt to free his soul.

It only took (-) BOOM (+)

To end the dim by killing off the character.

Look! what I have done.

Times of contemplation and negative capability began.

Windy wondering in the uncertainty

That’s where freedom is.

On the burned, brown fields 

Like a happy mist.

– Aren Mkhoyan

Aren Mkhoyan is a filmmaker and multimedia creator. His works are mainly focused on topics such as transcendental experience, personal experience, spirituality, and nature.