Hello! I am Apoorva Gupta a 21-year-old communication designer living in Delhi, India. I fell in love with cinema and novels at a very young age, which then led me to the world of design. Solving problems and making content based
on the user through branding, content creation, and digital media. Since I have always been curious and had the love of learning new things I dabble in UX design and video editing as well. I am often found reading a book or learning a new thing while drinking coffee and sometimes binge-watching Netflix

My final project was an industry projectwhich was with a tech company, who work in artificial intelligence. The work invovled rebranding their comany with redoing their website. This project apart from the work involved a lot of constant contact with the client itself which had its own up and downs. Since my focus is on brand design and digital media this project fit perfectly for as it involved both my areas of interest and therefore i had the opportunity to dive in deep in these area and learn , and to do it with an actual client was just the cherry on top.