Hello, I’m Akhil Thomas, a traveler and a self-taught photographer from Delhi, India. While applying for business studies in Australia, I started experimenting with my camera which changed the course of my life. My ardent love for nature and automobile led me to begin photographing cars and nature. Over the years I found myself travelling long distances in search of photographic freedom, looking to inculcate new ideas and possibilities into my visual work. Watching films inspired me to make short films and I loved experimenting various master shots used in filmmaking by Hollywood directors.

My Major Design Project (MDP) has been inspired by a new concept I was introduced to very recently. Ever since I was a young boy, I have been exposed to the world of medicine. My mother is a doctor, and she has always told me about the happenings in the medical world. Recently, my grandfather lost the battle to cancer and passed away in the winter of ’19. I’ve always wondered if there was a cure for cancer, as there only seemed to be measures in place for prevention and control, but never a cure. A few months ago, when I was thinking about topics for my research paper, that one of my childhood friends introduced me to a new concept that embedded itself at the back of my mind – stem cells. The concept, which initially came from his sister, who was working at STEMCELL Technologies Inc. at the time, exposed my mind to the knowledge of stem-cell therapy, or regenerative medicine.

In the past my interest varied in field such as UX/UI, photography and branding etc. After my MDP I have realized that I don’t need to be in one particular field. As a first-time filmmaker, I have been
able to manage several responsibilities and multiple roles all by myself. I was the screenwriter, director, editor, producer,
sound engineer, and much more for my very own first film.

Hence I think my strength is to try and test any role without fear and overcoming all risks and problems and attaining the goal.

Don’t stick to one particular job or field always. Always keep on moving out of your comfort zone and experimenting new things. It helps you learn new things and enjoy new things.