These pictures show the work I have done during the second semester at Kingston University. Both projects were incredibly engaging. The first project is called the Capstone project and the second one was an assigned project to our group by Winch Design.

Capstone Project:

The aim of this project was to develop a self-initiated design which exhibits all the information and conclusions we have gathered from the graduate diploma studies.

Since Creating a product, space, or furniture from our culture and background was encouraged I focused on an architectural element called windcatcher. Traditional windcatchers that were used as air conditioners in hot and dry climates are highly sustainable in today’s life, even though they were made over 500 years ago.

I believe this mechanism can be introduced to parts of the world with the same climate in order to have the same level of comfort but with more sustainability. One of the most unsustainable cities in the world with the same climate as hot and dry as Yazd (a city in Iran), is Las Vegas. I compared the two cities and I believe the city of Las Vegas can benefit from the windcatchers in order to bring down the cost and its consumption of energy.

Winch Design:

In this project, two concepts were given to each group, and we had to design a sustainable product for them. Developing an idea of creating a ceiling fan was the first step. We then look deeply into different cultures where yachting was common and simultaneously, we researched glass art. What was exciting about this project was the fact that it could be a real product and be used in yachts. At the end of the project, we came up with a sustainable solution for both concepts with different patterns and materials.