The direction I took this year meant that I analysed, designed, and adapted Brand’s identities. We specifically designed around a Circular economy and tried to find ways to make our interiors or architecture more sustainable and circular. I chose to combine the brands Carhartt and IKEA. Both brands have made steps to become more circular, but they could both be pushed if their ideologies were combined.

My outcome was a Brand pavilion for a festival located on Shoreditch’s, Bishopsgate’s Goodsyard. The pavilion is multifunctional, which means the architecture also acts as shelving and seating. The pavilion is also made to have a second life once the festival is over. This reflects the concept behind my product, taking old IKEA and Carhartt products, dissembling them, and then connecting them to other pieces to create a new furniture piece. This also gives the products a second life. Because of the functionality and machine-like nature of my pavilion, it now acts as a factory itself. The old product is dropped off, then dismantled in the workshop. This is then taken to another workshop, where the pieces are prepped to be sold. The product is picked up by customers and then purchased as flat-pack furniture, where it can then be taken home and built.